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Kitch’int smart fridge make your life ecofriendly

Dernière mise à jour : 25 mars 2019

Reduce wasting thanks to your smart fridge.

Nowadays, ecology, sustainable development and recycling process are at the center of society and any discussions. Almost everyone feels concerned by these topics which are crucial for our future.

Wastefulness is an important point in our society and everyone can make some effort to limit it. Today, it’s 870 million people, or one in eight human beings who do not have enough to eat, however 41 200 kg of food are waste every second in the world, i.e. 1/3 of the total food production dedicated to consumption.

These number seems absolutely crazy but it’s a fact. Individually we cannot eradicate this waste but we can improve it with adaptive and rational behavior.

We all once threw food that rotted to the bottom of the fridge because we forgot it was here or something like that… With the Kitch’int Smart fridge and its connected touchscreen forget these kinds of problems.

A connected fridge

Kitch’int is an smart fridge with a big touchscreen that help you every day. Thanks to it, you can do a lot of things such as order your foodstuffs, see the recipes it offers you and also making cooking more fun.

Kitch’int really make an ecofriendlyand connected kitchen. Every foodstuff are logged in the fridge with the date where you buy it and its expiry date. When the expiry date approached, the fridge makes a notification on its touchscreento indicate you that for example chicken breast are on the limit and in 3 days the date will be expire.

On its touchscreen, kitch’int will proposed you some recipes depending on what you have in your fridge but also and especially depending on what expires fastest to avoid wastefulness. You will also have the possibility of modifying recipes according to your wishes at the time.

Recipes will be adapted also at the number of person who will eat, for example if you are 2 to dinner, kitch’int will adapted the recipe to 2 persons, however, if one evening, you are 5, the recipe will be made for 5 persons. All this to avoid leftovers in order to not to waste.

Thanks to this smart fridge and its artificial intelligence, what you like and buy often will be memorized to offer you an efficient shopping list while avoiding you to buy products that you will never be able to eat.

So, thanks to Kitch’int, your cooking will be ecofriendly, fun and tasty.

If you feel concerned by the wastefulness, if you want to cook while fighting against the injustices of the world, stay updated and follow us on social media !

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